USI Gender and Sexuality Resources and the Student Government Association (SGA) will cohost the inaugural University of Southern Indiana PrideFest event just in time for LGBTQ+ History Month. From noon to 4 p.m. Friday, October 21, The Quad will be lined with local LGBTQ+ friendly organizations and University departments to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. The event is open to the campus community.
Local organizations set to be on site with resources and handouts include:
- Rainbow Jacket Project
- Az-U-R
- Albion Fellows Bacon Center
- Matthew 25 Aid Services
- Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library
- Demolition City Roller Derby
University departments such as the Dean of Students Office (DOSO), Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), the Center for Campus Life and more will also be participating in the inaugural event. Gender and Sexuality Resources will hand out a limited number of USI Screagle Pride shirts.
Brianna Aldana ’24 is heading the event and is excited to give students this unique opportunity to connect with internal and external resources. “My goal for this event is to give students the opportunity to receive the resources they need to be as successful as possible and celebrate who they are,” says Aldana. “We’re not here in June to celebrate Pride Month, but since October is LGBTQ+ History Month, it is the perfect chance to give students the opportunity to celebrate one another together.”
Gender and Sexuality Resources is always looking for student and faculty volunteers for its events. The group also distributes a monthly newsletter with information about upcoming events, awareness days and a resource of the month, highlighting one internal or external campus resource for the LGBTQ+ community.
If interested in volunteering or being added to the monthly email distribution list, email Aldana at blaldana@eagles.usi.edu. To stay up to date on all events, follow its Twitter and Instagram accounts.