Research Areas
- Biomechanics & Finite Element Modeling
- Bite Mechanics (Bone Load v9) -
When using this or any other of the "Matlab based" versions of Boneload please cite:
J. L. Davis, S. E. Santana, E. R. Dumont, and I. R. Grosse, “Predicting Bite Force in Mammals: 2D vs. 3D lever models,” J. Exp. Biol., vol. 213, no. 11, 2010 - False Head Behavior in Lycaenidae
- Otolith Organ Mechanics
- Bite Mechanics (Bone Load v9) -
- Engineering Education
- Online educational systems (The effect on student learning and professional preparation)
- Team dynamics in undergraduate groups
- Finite element modeling (connecting physical and theoretical experiments)