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Rick Hudson

Dr. Rick A. Hudson

Professor of Mathematics

Mathematical Sciences Department

Chair of Mathematical Sciences Department

Mathematical Sciences Department



Dr. Hudson’s research focuses primarily on three areas of interests: 1) mathematics teacher knowledge and issues relating to teacher professional education and development; 2) mathematics teaching practices; and 3) the teaching and learning of data and statistics, particularly in grades 3 to 8.

Mathematics Teacher Knowledge and Teacher Education: A primary focus of Dr. Hudson’s recent research endeavors focuses on describing and developing teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) as it relates to equations/inequalities and problem solving activity. His research has also explored the construct of teachers’ professional noticing (Sherin, Jacobs & Philipp, 2011) in teacher education settings.

Mathematics Teaching Practices: Dr. Hudson analyzes data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) teacher questionnaire. As one of the few nationally representative samples of students in the United States, the assessment and its corresponding teacher questionnaire provide a view of our nation’s students and their teachers.  Dr. Hudson also has an interest in studying learning environments that include a project-based learning approach, with a particular interest in teaching practice that support mathematical argumentation and discourse.

Statistical Teaching and Learning: Dr. Hudson’s dissertation research focused on the statistical discourse that takes place in middle-grade classrooms implementing project-based learning and the impact of the students’ statistical conversations on student achievement. He is also interested in mental operations that students portray about central tendency and the use of dynamic data software. His work has resulted in the development of a number of technology-based activities to assist students in developing a ‘balance point’ conception of the mean using TinkerPlots.

Other Interests: Dr. Hudson has also published and presented on a number of other topics in mathematics education, including analyses of student performance on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), algebraic thinking, and mathematics textbook adoption.

painted cubes

Models of the Painted Cubes problem from June 2015 Workshop

Geo board

Quadrilaterals inside a 3-peg-by-3-peg grid from July 2015 Workshop