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Ways that scholarly communication at Rice library can help in your scholarship

October 18, 2022

Scholarly communication at Rice Library supports USI scholars with an institutional repository (known as Scholarly Open Access Repository or SOAR), open access publishing and author rights. Below are the different ways you can tap into Rice Library services that go beyond journals, books and databases!

Open Access Publishing review and funding

To facilitate more choices in publishing venues for USI faculty, the Faculty Senate endorsed an Open Access Publication Funding Charge (Charge 2018.20). This expands the availability of the Faculty Development Fund provided by the Provost's Office to include Open Access publishing charges in reputable venues. Department or College funds for Open Access publishing may be available as well.

A review of Open Access venues is available in collaboration with the Scholarly Communication Unit of the David L. Rice Library. Authors can submit an Open Access Publication Application to start the review. The review process is free of charge!

Helpful open access review and funding research guide

For more assistance contact Peter Whiting at

Submit and showcase your scholarship in Rice library’s institutional repository SOAR

We offer assistance for USI faculty, staff and students in making their scholarship available to a worldwide audience in in the Scholarly Open Access Repository (SOAR).

 SOAR (Scholarly Open Access Repository)

For more assistance on SOAR, contact Peter Whiting at

Applying copyright law to research, teaching and learning

The staff of Rice Library is available to provide education and guidance on applying copyright law to research, teaching and learning to USI faculty. Ways we can help include copyright and fair use concerns related to research, teaching and learning.

Helpful Rice library copyright research guide

For more assistance or questions, you can contact:


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