Voucher Program
Eagle Perks is a voucher program that gives USI students free or discounted access to Evansville events.
- There is one specific activity each month along with other activities that can be used anytime throughout the year.
- Students can pick up a voucher at the RFWC with a valid USI ID (limit one per student)
- Voucher can only be used if accompanied by your Eagle Access Card.
- Each voucher is only good for designated periods.
- Vouchers are only available to those who have paid the current semester's activity fee.
Spring 2025 Current activities:
- January:
- Swonder - Free admission
- February:
- Thunderbolts College Night - Free admission (one day event, February 7)
- Vertical eXcape - Free admission
- Year-Round Activities:
- Evansville Museum - Free admission
- Mesker Park Zoo - Free admission