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Recruitment and Retention Committee 

Department Name Term
Interim Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education Dr. Bill Elliott -
Associate Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education Dr. Tori Colson -
Interim Assistant Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education Dr. Kim Delaney -
Chair, Biology Dr. Cindy DeLoney-Marino -
Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry Dr. Ken Walsh -
Chair, Engineering Dr. Paul Kuban -
Chair, Geology, Physics, and Environmental Science Dr. Bill Elliott -
Chair, Kinesiology and Sport Dr. Renee Frimming -
Chair, Mathematical Sciences Dr. Rick Hudson -
Chair, Teacher Education Dr. Lara Christoun -
Director, Pott College Advising and Resource Center Bryan Bowerman -
Southwest Indiana STEM Dr. Allison Grabert -
Faculty Senate Chair; Biology Dr. Kyle Mara 2022-24
Engineering Mr. Dave Ellert 2022-24
Engineering Dr. Brandon Field 2022-24
Geology, Physics, and Environmental Science Dr. Kent Scheller 2022-24
Geology, Physics, and Environmental Science Ms. Carrie Wright 2021-23
Kinesiology and Sport Dr. Alyssa Weatherholt 2022-24
Mathematical Sciences Dr. Heather Cook 2021-23
Teacher Education Dr. Jeff Thomas 2022-24
Chemistry and Biochemistry Dr. Jacob Lutter 2022-24

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee 

Department Name Term
Interim Assistant Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education (ex officio) Dr. Kim Delaney -
Biology Dr. Alex Champagne 2022-24
Chemistry and Biochemistry Dr. Anne-Claire Limon-Lewis 2023-25
Engineering (Committee Chair) Dr. Susan Ely 2022-24
Geology, Physics, and Environmental Science  Ms. Carrie Wright 2023-25
Kinesiology & Sport Dr. Chase Smith 2022-24
Mathematical Sciences Dr. Uditha Wijesuriya 2022-24
Chair, Teacher Education Dr. Lara Christoun 2022-24
Director, CETL Dr. Amy Chan-Hilton 2022-24

College Awards Committee 

Department Name Term
Interim Assistant Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education (ex officio) Dr. Kim Delaney -
Biology  Dr. Rich Bennett 2023-25
Chemistry and Biochemistry Dr. Evan Millam 2022-24
Engineering Dr. Todd Nelson 2023-25
Chair, Geology, Physics, and Environmental Science  Dr. Tony Maria 2022-24
Kinesiology and Sport Dr. Brian Kiessling 2023-25
Mathematical Sciences Dr. Yalcin Sarol 2022-24
Teacher Education Dr. Jill Raisor 2023-25

Communication Liaison 

Department Name Term
Content Marketing Specialist, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education Brittany Skinner -
Interim Assistant Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education Dr. Kim Delaney -
Faculty Senate Chair; Biology  Dr. Kyle Mara 2022-24
Chemistry and Biochemistry Dr. Ken Walsh 2022-24
Engineering Dr. Nicole Becklinger 2023-25
Geology, Physics, and Environmental Science  Dr. Kenny Purcell 2022-24
Kinesiology and Sport Dr. Cody Strom 2023-25
Chair, Mathematical Sciences Dr. Rick Hudson 2022-24
Teacher Education Dr. Elise Murray 2023-25

Grants Committee 

Department Name Term
Interim Assistant Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education (ex officio) Dr. Kim Delaney -
Faculty Senate Chair; Biology Dr. Kyle Mara 2022-24
Chemistry and Biochemistry Dr. Jeannie Collins 2022-24
Engineering  Dr. Jason Hill 2023-25
Geology, Physics, and Environmental Science  Dr. Joe DiPietro 2022-24
Kinesiology and Sport  Dr. Cody Strom 2022-24
Mathematical Sciences Dr. Ed Rehkopf 2022-24
Teacher Education Dr. Moriah Smothers 2023-25

Pott College Promotions Committee 

Department Name Term
Assistant Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education (ex officio) Dr. Tori Shoulders 2022-23
Faculty Senate Chair; Biology Dr. Kyle Mara  2022-24
Chemistry and Biochemistry Dr. Mark Krahling 2022-24
Engineering  Dr. Tom McDonald 2022-23
Geology, Physics, and Environmental Science  Dr. Kenny Purcell 2022-24
Kinesiology and Sport  Dr. Alyssa Weatherholt 2022-24
Mathematical Sciences Dr. Mark Creager 2023-25
Teacher Education Dr. Jeff Thomas 2023-25

Pott College Graduate Council

Department Name Program Term
Assistant Dean, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education Dr. Tori Colson - -
Director of Doctoral Program, Teacher Education Dr. Elizabeth Wilkins Director of Doctoral Programs, Teacher Education -
Chair, Kinesiology and Sport Dr. Renee Frimming Master of Science in Sport Management -
Director of Masters and Certificate Programs, Teacher Education Dr. Moriah Smothers Director of Graduate Programs, Teacher Education -
Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry Dr. Ken Walsh Appointed -
Chair, Mathematical Sciences Dr. Rick Hudson Appointed -
Chair, Teacher Education Dr. Lara Christoun Appointed -
Biology Dr. Rex Strange Elected 2023-25
Mathematical Sciences Dr. Uditha Wijesuriya Elected 2022-24
Dean, School of Graduate Studies Dr. Michael Dixon Non-Voting Member; Dean, School of Graduate Studies
Registrar Sandy Frank Non-Voting Member 
Rice Library Rebecca Neel Non-Voting Member 

Teacher Education Council (TEC)

Chair of TEC, Assistant Dean of Pott College Dr. Tori Colson
Interim Associate Provost Dr. Jason Hardgrave
Interim Dean of Pott College Dr. Bill Elliott
Dean of Liberal Arts Dr. Del Doughty
Director of Doctoral Program, Teacher Education Dr. Elizabeth Wilkins
Director, Pott College Advising and Resource Center Bryan Bowerman
Advisor, Pott College Advising and Resource Center Jacob Hansen
Advisor, Liberal Arts Advising Center Emma Hooper
Art & Design Kirk Maynard
Chair, Art & Design Dr. Sara Christensen Blair
English Dr. David O'Neil
Chair, English Dr. Oana Popescu Sandu
History Cacee Hoyer
Chair, History Dr. Denise Lynn
World Languages and Culture Dr. Bartell M Berg
Chair, World Languages and Culture Dr. A. David Hitchcock
Biology Dr. Edith Hardcastle
Chair, Biology Dr. Cindy DeLoney Marino
Science Representative, Chemistry and Biochemistry Dr. Evan Millam
Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry Dr. Ken Walsh
Chair, Geology, Physics, and Environmental Science Dr. Tony Maria
Chair, Kinesiology and Sport Dr. Renee Frimming
Mathematics Representative, Mathematical Sciences Dr. Doris Mohr
Chair, Mathematical Sciences  Dr. Rick Hudson
Coordinator of Educator Services, Teacher Education Dr. Erin Hollinger
Assessment Manager, Teacher Education Jean Moore
Teacher Education Dr. Simone Nance
Director of Clinical Internships, Teacher Education Joyce Rietman
Teacher Education  Dr. Kelly Sparks
Director of Clinical Practice, Teacher Education Dr. Sarah Wannemuehler
Teacher Education Dr. Clarissa Willis
Chair, Teacher Education Dr. Lara Christoun

Committee Representatives 

Faculty Senate Representative

Dr. Kyle Mara (Chair, 2022-2024)
Dr. Susan Ely (2023-25)
Dr. Guoyuan Huang (2023-25)

Faculty Senate Alternate

Dr. Chase Smith (2022-2024)
Dr. Eric Greenwod (2023-25)

University Assessment Committee Dr. Kyle Mara (2022-2024)
University Curriculum Committee

Dr. Yalcin Sarol (2022-2024)
Dr. Jason Hill (2023-2025)

Faculty Affairs Committee

Dr. Brent Summers (2022-2024)
Dr. Carrie Andersen (2023-2025)

Student Academic Affairs Committee Dr. Susan Ely (2022-2024)
Economic Benefits Committee

Dr. Dan Elg (2022-2024)
Dr. Cody Strom (2023-2025)

University Promotions Committee Dr. Rick Hudson (2022-2024)
Faculty Grievance and Hearing Committee Dr. Tom McDonald (2022-2024)
Faculty Grievance and Hearing Committee Alternate

Dr. Cindy DeLoney-Marino (2022-2024)

University Core 39 Council 

Dr. Rex Strange (2022-2024)
Dr. Eric McCloud (2023-2025)

University Core 39 Council Alternate

Dr. Chase Smith (2023-2025)

Honors Faculty Council Dr. Todd Nelson (2022-2024)
College Graduate Council

Dr. Uditha Wijesuriya (2022-2024)
Dr. Rex Strange (2023-2025)

Faculty Awards Committee (FASTRC)

Dr. Misty Ostergaard (2022-2024)
Dr. Kim Delaney (2023-2025)


Dr. Kelly Sparks (2023-2025)
Dr. Alyssa Weatherholt (2023-2025)
Dr. Art Chlebowski (2022-2024)

Responsible Conduct of Research Committee

Dr. Alex Champagne (2022-2024)
Dr. Priya Hewavitharange (2022-2024)