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Social work is a helping profession which aims to improve the well-being and quality of life of people from diverse demographic and socioeconomic backgrounds. 

Social workers work with different populations, social problems and levels of practice and are employed in a variety of settings, including social service agencies and programs, healthcare institutions and services, communities, correctional systems, schools and government.

The social work program at the University of Southern Indiana prepares students with the knowledge, skills and values for generalist practice with diverse populations and emerging social issues.

Information for Out-of-State Students



There are a wide variety of career/practice areas for Bachelor's of Social Work (BSW) and Master's of Social Work (MSW) degree graduates. The Occupational Outlook Handbook lists social work as having faster than average job growth. Professional social workers work to assist clients in solving human problems.

Graduates work in a variety of settings including social services agencies and programs, health care institutions and services, communities, correctional systems, schools and government (at all levels).

Social workers work with different populations (children, adolescents, adults, elderly), social problems (substance abuse, mental and emotional problems, corrections, child maltreatment), and levels of practice (individuals, families, communities). Some of the more common career areas for professional social workers include:

  • Administration and Management
  • Advocacy and Community Practice
  • Aging and Gerontology
  • Substance Abuse
  • Child Welfare and Family
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Health Care Social Work
  • Justice and Corrections
  • Juvenile Issues
  • International Social Work
  • Mental Health and Clinical Social Work
  • Occupational and EAP Social Work
  • Policy and Planning
  • Public Welfare
  • Research
  • School Social Work
  • Marital and Family
  • Therapy/Practice
  • Teaching and Education

Many agencies, programs and health care institutions require licensed professional social workers due to accreditation, licensing, certification and governmental requirements. Detailed information is available in the Social Work Department or by going to the National Association of Social Workers website. 


Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and Master of Social Work (MSW) Programs at the University of Southern Indiana are fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.

CSWE Accreditation and Licensure


Macy Cato '22

I decided to pursue a career in social work as the profession is extremely diverse. This allows for my possibilities within my career to be endless. As an indecisive individual, it gives me a piece of mind that I am able to change the scope of my practice at any point in my career.